Articles & News

Fall Family Festival Fun Returns to Russell Crossroads

Published: 10.23.2024

Fall Family Festival
Saturday, October 26 – 10am-1pm
Russell Crossroads

Fall. What does that word mean to you? Cooler weather? Football? Pumpkins? Crockpots simmering for a cozy meal? Time in the kitchen canning or baking? The nostalgic smell of burning leaves? How about a festival? For us, fall brings our annual Fall Family Festival! It’s so much fun watching the kids smile and play and run and laugh! It’s fun watching them pick out the perfect pumpkin from the Pumpkin Patch, pet animals in the petting zoo or ride a horse for the first time. Others love the grist mill and the rhythmic popping sound of that old engine as it slowly grinds corn into meal. Other kids are mesmerized by clanging of a blacksmith’s hammer as he works red-hot metal on his anvil in the Blacksmith Shop. Everyone loves Naturalist Marianne and her critters in the Naturalist Cabin, and oh yes, let’s not forget funnel cakes and hotdogs!

Our Blue Ribbon Baking and Canning Contest will also return! So dig out those special recipes handed down from Mom and Grandma.

At the Fall Family Festival, the word fall means a fun family event! We hope that you’ll join us at Russell Crossroads. The kids will love it, and we think you will too!

There is a fee of $25 per family (based on a family of four). Individuals are just $10, and if you need an additional pumpkin, they are just $5 each.

Meet the Forest Animals at Turpentine Tales

Friday, October 25 – 6-7:30pm
Saturday, October 26 – 6-7:30pm

Take a guided walk through the Russell Forest, wander along the ruins of the old Turpentine Distillery and get to know the forest animals!

Turpentine Tales is a free event that will entertain children and adults alike.

Meet on the Town Green at Russell Crossroads where our trail guide will give a brief history of what was once the Southeast’s largest Turpentine Distillery. Then, you will be guided through the ruins where the animals will talk about their unique lives in the forest. You may find yourself listening to a black widow spider, a vulture, or maybe even a deer or two. And as you exit the ruins, the trail will lead you to a cozy fire where you can build your own s’mores!

For more information, email Karen Kison at [email protected].

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