Articles & News
Social Distance—Lake Style
Published: 03.24.2020
Keeping a safe distance does not have to be boring
Pier-to-pier networking is not a “techie term” at Lake Martin. When lake residents want to maintain a safe distance and have social interaction with their neighbors, the pier-to-pier network is the perfect solution.It also comes with an added benefit—stress relief!
Staying at least six feet away from friends is the new norm in our culture.Social distancing was a term that was foreign to most Americans until a few weeks ago.Lots of things have surprised us all, sometimes causing feelings of isolation, discouragement or even fear.We have found some pleasant surprises and relief for those feelings here at Lake Martin.
For those trying to self-isolate by staying home, as requested by our government, we have found that the average lake home on Lake Martin might be the best way to stay safe, stay healthy and renew your spirits.How is that possible?
For starters, a lake home is detached on a good sized, semi-secluded waterfront lot.Home placement is required, in most cases, well beyond the “social distance” from your nearest neighbor.Houses, on average, are 25-35 feet from the shoreline, so while you are close enough to see the water, you are far enough back to have privacy.
The best feature of a lake home, as related to virus safety and social isolation, is the pier.Piers typically cannot come within 15’ of the property line which provides safe space.Also, a pier may not extend more than one-third of the way across a cove (62 feet maximum length according to regulations).That means you can relax on your pier and talk to your neighbor.That is what we now call “pier-to-pier” networking!
Piers are just the beginning too!
While dangling your feet in the water, soaking up some rays and talking to your neighbor (at a safe distance) are perfect activities at the pier – there is even more to do from a pier.You can launch your boat or personal watercraft and enjoy the lake!
With over 40,000 acres of water and 880 miles of shoreline, you can enjoy a boat ride and keep a safe social distance while reconnecting with those that are most important to you.There are few things as relaxing as a boat ride on Lake Martin.It is certainly time well spent as we all try to “flatten the curve” away from school and work.
What is happening at Lake Martin?
Many businesses on the lake are adapting their operations to provide the basics. Learn more about business adjustments. That includes marinas, take-out dining at restaurants, and local grocers.The good news is that the lake won’t close.To stay abreast of what is happening here, call one of our Realtors® today.